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Ozyegin University

Istanbul, Turkey


Ozyegin University (OzU), founded in 2007, in Istanbul, Turkey as a non-profit foundation university, positions itself to be one of the most innovative and research-oriented universities in Turkey. OzU has ranked in the top 15 in the most entrepreneurial and innovative Turkish universities index, prepared in the leadership of TUBITAK, published by the Ministry of Industry and Technology since 2012.


OzU was ranked the top Turkish university placing 59th in “Peace and Justice” and 80th in “Affordable and Clean Energy” based on its sustainability efforts in the overall ranking of THE Impact 2020 Global Ranking which includes 850 universities from 89 countries published by THE.


OzU is managed by the Board of Trustees on behalf of Prof. F. Esra Gençtürk and it consists of administrative and academic staff. There are six Faculties (Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science and Faculty of Architecture and Design); three Graduate Schools (Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Business and Graduate School of Social Sciences); two Schools (School of Applied Sciences and School of Languages) and eight Research Centers (Center for Computational Finance, Center for Energy, Environment and Economy (EÇEM), Research, Development, Training and Application Center for Energy Efficient LED Lighting (EVATEG), Centre of Excellence in Optical Wireless Communication Technologies Applied Research (OKATEM), Center of Technology Products, Center for Entrepreneurship, Alp Alkas Retail & Real Estate Center, German Law Application and Research Center) hosted by OzU.