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Hands-on Science Education Instructor and Learner Guides for Usage and Dissemination

Hands-on Science Education Instructor and Learner Guides for Usage and Dissemination

Equipment such as computers and tablets that will enable them to participate in distance education is not sufficient for an efficient education, only physical participation is provided. To obtain efficiency from these tools, they also need to know how to use them. We want to classify the beneficiaries of our project as tutors and learners so as not to restrict them to teachers. For this purpose, two guides will be produced that show how educators and learners can use the other two outputs to be produced.

First, one of these guides will be for educators and is prepared to aim to higher educator awareness and ease the implementation of the hands-on science approach. The guide is aimed to consist of three main chapters as follows. In the first chapter, what is the hands-on science approach, and the importance of its use will be introduced

Teacher Guide

Student Guide

The second chapter will introduce the Hands-on Science Education Platform Supported by the Digitized Tools platform. This section will show teachers how to use the outputs and get efficiency from them. As it is known, the platform will allow lectures on a module and work on parts that make up an experiment by different people or teams through fragmented modules. Information such as how to use this simultaneous learning environment will also be included in the guide. In addition, it will consist of new approaches on how to measure the gains of hands-on and digital learning content.

The third chapter will include future tips for teachers to develop different activities not included in the platform and how to access the materials that should be used in these activities. The learner guide will have similar contents and consist of three parts; first is what is the hands-on science approach, and the importance of its use will be introduced. The second is instructions and explanations for using the platform and science education kit. The last one is different from the educator guide; it will focus on explaining the use of the platform for families and how to make a hands-on science education kit at home with their children and their parents.