LESTO Dissemination in İzmir Bridging Education and Technology for the Future of Science

Izmir, 26 February 2024 – The dissemination summit of the Learn and Experience Science Together Online (LESTO) project held at Originn Creative Hub marked an important milestone in the field of science education. The project, coordinated by Özyeğin University and implemented within the framework of Erasmus+ School Education, saw the collaborative efforts of partners from Turkey, Belgium, Serbia and Portugal, including the Education and Future Technologies Association, Fun Science, Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, Sabancı University Teacher Network, European Development Institute, CPN and EDUGEP Ltd.
The main objective of LESTO is to digitally transform the physical environment and tools necessary for science education, to eliminate spatial dependencies for students and teachers and to contribute to addressing gaps for disadvantaged groups. In line with this goal, the project has developed important resources such as “Applied Science Education Digital Education Platform”, “Digital Applied Science Education Kits” and “Teacher and Student Guides”.
After the registration and refreshment period, the Summit programme started with the welcoming speeches of Prof. Dr. Tufan ADIGÜZEL from Özyeğin University. Prof. Dr. Tufan ADIGÜZEL and EFTA Furkan YAVUZ introduced the LESTO Project and its outputs, including the results of the Needs Analysis and platform details. Oguzhan Ozkaya Educational Institutions took part in the Good practice examples session and shared their views on sectoral developments and laboratory practices in schools during the event, followed by a coffee break for networking.
In the afternoon sessions, real-world applications of the LESTO project were discussed and an open forum was organized to share best practices. The day ended with an evaluation and closing session that provided participants with a comprehensive overview of the project’s achievements and future prospects.
We had the opportunity to spend an interactive day at this event where education and technology came together to shape the future of science education.