LESTO Learning and Training Activity (LTT) in Setubal, Portugal
An LTT event between 13-19 November 2022 with 25 science teachers from Turkey, Belgium, Serbia, and Portugal will be held for the co-creation workshop and to bring their expertise and ideas to LESTO project.
Science teachers, selected thoroughly by the consortium accordingly with the commonly set criteria, from partner countries will attend informative sessions to learn about LESTO project and aims then contribute to the project with co-creation workshops. This group of 25 science teachers will be a mix of teachers from different sociological, economical, geographical, educational, and experience backgrounds from all partner countries. This will enable the consortium to shape the LESTO platform as a comprehensive and detailed platform.
Using the results of the LTT event, the LESTO online platform will be improved and made accessible and friendly for all users from different backgrounds and countries.