Learn and Experience Science Together Online – LESTO project is an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 School Education Cooperation Partnerships Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. In light of the following information, LESTO project was prepared and aims to establish a platform where Hands-on Science Education Kits, and Teacher’s Guide will be available to provide a collaborative, online science experiment platform.
Even though technology has a considerable effect on our daily lives, the use of technology in education systems is still inadequate and this need emerged dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide due to the shut down of the schools. According to World Bank “Across more than 170 countries, 1.5 billion students’ schools have closed as part of their governments’ response to COVID-19.

Portugal Disseminaiton Event Activity
The demo-version of the platform, which is being developed within the Erasmus+ project LESTO, was presented at the UNICEF conference in Belgrade. The conference was organized 2-3 June 2023 with
LESTO Dissemination in İzmir Bridging Education and Technology for the Future of Science
The demo-version of the platform, which is being developed within the Erasmus+ project LESTO, was presented at the UNICEF conference in Belgrade. The conference was organized 2-3 June 2023 with
LESTO Istanbul Summit – Digital Discovery and Science Meeting-19 January 2024
The demo-version of the platform, which is being developed within the Erasmus+ project LESTO, was presented at the UNICEF conference in Belgrade. The conference was organized 2-3 June 2023 with